By Leon Watson
These animals look like they have let their diets slip a little bit too far as they lounge around.
Slumped in a variety of positions they could be the laziest animals of all time.
The hilarious collections of images of these larger than life animals were compiled by internet blog Buzzfeed.Down boy: This larger than life dog has eaten too far much
Several cats are pictured sitting on their backsides looking they haven’t moved an inch for quite a long time.
But their domestic counterparts are no better as pet pooches lie on their sides appearing unable to get up.
It is not just the house pets who are guilty of piling on the pounds though.
A very rounded monkey sits stationary on the ground, while in the water a chubby seal is seen floating with its head just above the surface.
Similarly a beluga whale looks like it has been blown up like a balloon.
Fat cat: Kicking back on the sofa is just about all this overweight pussy can do given its size
Stout: Lounging around is all in a day's work for a cat (left) and a blubbery seal who spends his time bobbing around in a pool (right)
Rolls of flab: This beast has eaten too many nuts
Surely not! A bloated beluga whale has contented smile, maybe because it's eaten rather too much
Rounded: Just one of the many fat pets posed on Buzzfeed
This podgy tree-climber has squirreled away a lot of food - in his belly
A pet pooch lies on its side appearing unable to get up
Several cats are pictured sitting on their backsides looking they haven¿t moved an inch for quite a long time
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Exercise? Fat chance! Larger than life animals show human couch potatoes how lounging around is REALLY done

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