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Monday, October 17, 2011

Bear knuckle boxing: Cubs compete to be king of the castle


Battle of the bears: A grizzly cub strikes a knockout blow to his brother's head as he battle for control of a large log

These adorable baby bears look just like they're playing King of the Castle - as they battle to knock each other off a log.

They spent hours at the game, wrestling on top of the tree trunk and pushing one another over like gladiators.

The little grizzly bears bopped each other over the head and even tried to bite one another with their tiny teeth as they practised their fighting skills.

Slap-down: The bear slips from the log after being smacked across the face by his sibling

They shuffled backwards and forwards, teetering on the splintered wood as they playfully tried to show who was boss.

Eventually one of the bears managed to shove his brother off the end of the log, leaving him clinging on comically.

Titanic struggle: The pair played for hours as photographer Claude Lecours watched in Halo Bay, Alaska

The cub, who was just a few months old, even tried to scramble up again but was thwarted by his victorious sibling.

After hours of play, the baby bears wore themselves out and scampered back to their patient mother for tea.

No holds barred: The bear even appeared to be biting his brother's shoulder as play got aggressive

The enchanting scene was caught on camera by photographer Claude Lecours, 49, who was visiting Halo Bay, Alaska.

Claude, a project manager from Beaton, near Toronto, Canada, said: 'It was unbelievable. It was a great thing to see.

Mummy bear: The two baby grizzlies returned to their mother after an afternoon of play

source: dailymail


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