By Jessica SatherleyThe look of love: Tinsel, the Turkey and her friend Bramble the Roe Deer who have become the best of friends at a Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary
Britain's luckiest turkey has been saved from the chop this Christmas after falling in love with a deer.
Plucky bird Tinsel was rescued after she was thrown on to the motorway from a moving lorry.
She was nursed back to health and has now fallen head over claws for a rescued Roe Deer called Bramble.
The pair were brought to the Nuneaton and Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary and are now ‘inseparable’.
Tinsel even gives Bramble a ‘peck’ on the cheek before they go to sleep at night.
Sanctuary owner Geoff Grewcock, 61, said: ‘They are completely inseparable.
‘Both of them live in the same barn and Tinsel always gives Bramble a little peck on the cheek before they go to sleep. It's very sweet.
‘We've grown very attached to Tinsel.
‘She must be one of the luckiest turkey's in Britain because she's not going anywhere near any dinner plate this Christmas.’
Best of friends: Plucky bird Tinsel was rescued after she was thrown on to the motorway from a moving lorry before meeting BrambleInseperable: The pair were brought to the Nuneaton and Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary and are now 'inseparable'
Tinsel was rescued by a driver nine months ago after she was hurled out of a lorry on the M6 motorway near Manchester.
Grandfather-of-one Geoff said: ‘We didn't think she was going to make it.
‘Her feathers were badly damaged and she was malnourished but we fed her up and looked after her.
‘She took an instant shine to Bramble and he seems to like the attention.
‘They walk around the animal sanctuary together, eat together and even have the odd tiff.
‘But Tinsel is very protective and squawks and flaps her wings if anyone goes anywhere near Bramble.’
Bramble was just two weeks old when he was found by walkers unconscious in a field in 2008.
Geoff added: ‘Bramble was very poorly when he came to us but after three years he's back to full health.
‘He close bond with Tinsel has certainly helped his recovery.’
Bramble's story: Bramble was just two weeks old when he was found by walkers unconscious in a field in 2008
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
She's not for the chop: Tinsel the turkey survives being hurled from a moving lorry – and then falls in love with a DEER

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