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Friday, January 18, 2013

Ouch! Newborn monkey gives a painful looking tug on mum but he's just too cute for her to be cross

By Sara Malm

With big brown eyes wide open, newborn macaques discover the world around them in their first days on earth in Bali, Indonesia.

Living with their mothers in a sanctuary known as the Sacred Monkey Forest in Ubud, they play up in front of the cameras making faces and striking poses worthy of a Vogue model.

One youngster is particularly brave, putting up his little fists in defence of the piece of wood he has turned into a plaything.

Planning mischief: This day-old baby monkey appears to be pondering what adventures to get up to next whilst nestled in his mothers arms in Bali

Another is clearly amused by the photographer’s lens as he hides a cheeky smile behind his hand.

The picture perfect primates provided an ideal photo opportunity for photographer Natalia Paklina who shot some of the newborns while on holiday in Bali.

Ms Paklina, 52, said: ‘It was really interesting to watch these monkeys.

‘Usually their life is hidden under the tropic forest canopy. And here there is a unique possibility to watch and photograph them from a short distance.

‘Monkeys are absolutely free and wild but at the same time they are not afraid of people at all.'

Baby's first toy: A newborn explores what the forest has to offer and has found an interesting piece of wood

Mummy's boy: Baby and mother monkey share a treat in the forest in Bali, Indonesia

Little joker: The baby monkey seem to find something amusing as he hides a grin behind his tiny hand

Hungry one: The cheeky chappie enjoys one of his first meals, although it does not look like a particularly comfortable experience for mama monkey

She added: ‘The photography process was pretty difficult because it was quite dark in the forest and the baby monkey kept wriggling.

‘The monkey are moving all the time. Jumping from the light to the shadow and back again. There are so many of them so you don't know which one to photograph.

‘But as soon as I saw this baby, I just had to take a photo, he was probably only a couple of days old and very cute.’

Prime primate: Performing some top-end modelling poses fit for Vogue, the baby is loving the camera

Pucker up! Hidden in the forest, yet the centre of attention, a little monkey blows a kiss at the camera

Safe haven: When a life of fame gets too exhausting, it is good to know that the warm embrace of mummy is never far away

The Sacred Monkey Forest is currently home to over 600 Balinese long-tailed macaques living in four troops across the tourist attraction

The infants are completely black during their first six months, after which they slowly turn to grey until they are about 12 months old.

Males are considered adult at the age of five and sport characteristic ‘moustache’ facial hair and women become adult after they give birth to their first baby.

Put 'em up! The baby monkey is a budding boxer, ready to defend his turf

Happy home: These monkeys live in a sanctuary known as the Monkey Forest in Bali



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