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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Try getting past this lot! Elephants huddle round female to protect her from prowling hyenas while she gives birth

By Daniel MillerTeamwork: The caring elephants create an impenetrable barrier protecting the mother as she gives birth to a calf in the Amboseli National Park in KenyaWhen it comes to bodyguards, you really couldn't do much better than these guys.In a heartwarming display, a mighty herd of elephants huddles around a female to protect her from prowling lions and hyenas as she gives birth.The amazing pictures were taken in the early hours at the Amboseli National Park in Kenya at the start of the month.Wildlife photographer Paolo Torchio noticed the unusual behaviour on a morning drive and was staggered as he watched the drama unfold over the course...

Exposed: The cruel dog-spinning ritual to 'ward off rabies' that is STILL being practised Bulgaria

By Graham SmithBizarre tradition: An annual ritual that involves spinning dogs on a rope above a river in rural Bulgaria to ward off rabies was last weekend thwarted by animal rights activists six years after it was bannedAnimal rights activists have managed to thwart a bizarre traditional that involves spinning dogs on a rope above a river in rural Bulgaria to ward off rabies.For hundreds of years, locals in the remote town of Brodilovo in the south-east of the country have carried out the annual Spring ritual.It involves twisting dogs a rope stretched out over a river until it is taut and then threading a dog through a noose at its end.Cruel:...

Baa baa baa baa baa black sheep! One-in-a-million lamb quintuplets born to one very tired mother

By Tom GardnerFirst steps: Despite being only a few hours old, the incredibly rare quintuplets are already steady on their feetSnuggled next to each other on a bale of hay, these are the adorable one-in-a-million five black lambs that have been born just in time for Spring.The identical rare breed sheep are only a few hours old but are already playing blissfully with each other, unaware of the fuss surrounding their arrival.The lambs are thought to be the only quintuplets in the UK and maybe the world.They are set to become the star attraction at Umberslade Farm Park in Tanworth near Arden, Warwickshire. Odd one out: Some of the new arrivals...

Doggy paddle? I prefer MOGGY paddle: Cat caught on camera swimming in the sea

Video of cat taking a dip with its owner goes viral on YouTubeBy Kerry McqueeneyTaking a dip: The cat tentatively steps into the water ready for the swim aheadThey will normally do anything to avoid the water. However, not only has this cat learned how to swim, it seems to have perfected the doggy paddle.This hilarious video shows a cat in Russia walking into the water and taking a dip with its owner.It has since become an internet sensation after the video was uploaded to YouTube and went viral.SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEOMoggy paddle: It launches itself into the water, seemingly unafraid of the waterFar from being afraid of the water, the cat voluntarily...

That's totally barking! Breeder welcomes 27 puppies after two of her dogs give birth in the same week

By Daily Mail ReporterGroup hug: The 27 puppies were born in the space on three days - a new record for their breeder A German dog breeder has found herself with a wealth of puppies - after 27 were born in the space of three days. Beatrice Oswald, from Aken, who has been breeding dogs since 2004, is now the owner of the large litter after two of her canines went into labour one after the other.Such was the sheer volume of pups, that both mothers are struggling to produce enough milk to feed all of the bumper brood.New arrivals: The tiny puppies are being bottle fed as their mothers are unable to produce enough milk to cater to the entire litter...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

'It came so close it sniffed his hoodie': Tourists reveal the terrifying moment a grizzly bear charged at them... and they didn't even flinch

-Sightseers had no choice but to sit still when bear charged at them -Group had been observing the grizzlies fishing in the riverBy Kerry McqueeneyToo close for comfort: The tourists had no option but to sit perfectly still as the bear investigated their presenceIt must have sounded like the experience of a lifetime - an opportunity to observe Alaska's grizzly bears in the wild.However, it could have very easily come to a grisly end after one of the bears charged at this group of tourists as they sat in camping chairs - and there was not a thing they could do about it.The group of 10 had no option but to sit perfectly still as the fearsome bear...

Race against the tide: Bravery of young mother who stayed by her horse's side for THREE HOURS after getting trapped in mud 'like quicksand'

-Panic as 78-stone show horse is 'swallowed-up' by mud -Mother freed her daughter and another horse before returning to trapped animal -Astro was freed just minutes before the tide closed inBy Kerry Mcqueeney'Like quicksand': Both Miss Graham and her horse were stuck up to their waists in the mud as the tide was closing inThis was the terrifying moment a brave young mother battled to keep her beloved horse calm as sea water closed in on the animal after he became trapped in mud 'like quicksand'.Exhausted and mud-splattered, Nicole Graham clung to her trapped horse Astro for three hours keeping his head high in a race against the tide.The 78-stone...

Prancing on ice: Tigers try out their tango in spectacular show at Vienna zoo

By Daily Mail ReporterTwinkle-toed: The two tigers look as if they're attempting a tango on ice at Vienna's Tiergarten Schvnbrunn Zoo These stunning pictures have captured the moment two Siberian tigers were caught dancing on ice. The pair look perfectly co-ordinated as they play in the snow at Vienna's Tiergarten Schvnbrunn Zoo.In one picture, the big cats look as though they are in the middle of a furious tango as they hold their paws up to each other.The series of snapshots taken by photographer Jutta Kirchner are as striking as they are interesting.With the bright orange and black of the tigers' coats against the backdrop of white snow.Jutta...

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