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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Holy mackerel! Lorry ploughs off road and overturns spilling 20 TONNES of fish across farmer's field

By Ted ThornhillFishy business: The lorry load of mackerel spilled across farmer Gordon Flinn's fieldA farmer was understandably left fed up to the gills by the sight of fish after a staggering 20 tonnes of mackerel spilled onto his land from an overturned lorry.It was travelling towards Ardglass in County Down, Northern Ireland, last week when it appeared to have caught a grass verge, ploughed through 30 yards of hedge and fallen into a field belonging to Gordon Flinn, 71.A digger and a crane were called in as 12 men worked for seven hours straight in a ‘large scale’ clean-up operation following the accident.Fin on the ground: The fish measured...

We're not kidding - this goat can surf! Pet rides the waves in a surfing safari

By Emily AllenWhen it comes to surfing - this goat is no kid. Goatee loves the water so much she has been riding the waves like a pro at Pismo Beach in California.The four-legged water baby is often seen balancing on a surfboard as she catches the waves to glide effortlessly on to the beach - much to the delight of sunbathers.SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEOSurfin' safari: Goatee surfs the waves in Pismo Beach, California in her distinctive yellow life jacketWith safety a number one priority she always dons a fetching yellow life-jacket.Owner Dayna McGregor, who took Goatee surfing to celebrate his birthday recently, said: 'She did pretty well, she got...

Why your dog really DOES love you (and it's not just because of all the treats you give it!)

By Bruce FogleSome years ago I wrote an article for this newspaper about my feelings on having to put down my golden retriever, Macy. Your response was overwhelming, with many letters and emails expressing gratitude that an old vet like me, and a man at that, had talked openly about the personal pain I felt when my pet’s life ended.One of those who had clearly read my musings was my client Michael, the owner of Molly, a collie-cross who suffered irreversible kidney failure last autumn.‘You know how I feel, Bruce,’ he said when I arrived at the family home to give Molly a lethal injection. His wife Tricia stayed in the next room and Michael stayed...

Hot-headed stag gets the ultimate cold shower as he plummets down a waterfall protecting his harem of females

Rescuers winch animal to safety after he gets stranded in freezing river By Kerry McqueeneyA rescuer risks his life by lying on the ice as he attaches the winch rope to the stagWhen this hot-headed stag tried to protect his harem of females in the Austrian Alps, he didn't bank on getting the ultimate cold shower treatment.The beast was patrolling the banks of a river when he took a tumble and fell down a waterfall.Stranded and exhausted, the animal was eventually spotted by skiers close to the mountain resort of Dienten am Hochkonig.Rescue operation: Fire fighters were among those who helped winch the stag from the foot of the waterfallTrapped:...

Is this the bunny version of Babe? Meet the rabbit who has become the resident sheep dog on his farm

Champis the dwarf rabbit proves he is just as good as any sheep dogBy Kerry McqueeneyHe means business: Champis the dwarf rabbit peers out from inside the enclosure, preparing himself for the task aheadWhen it comes to delaying the inevitable, one quick-thinking, fast-moving rabbit has hit on a sure-fire way to avoid his fate in a simmering stewing pot.Champis the dwarf rabbit has made himself indispensable around the farm he lives on - by taking on the role of resident sheep dog.In what resembles the plot from the 1995 film Babe, in which a pig avoids the slaughterhouse by herding sheep on his owner's farm, the adorable rabbit shows a surprising...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Forgotten victims of the recession: Can you offer an abandoned puppy a home?

By Liz HullFresh start: Staffordshire bull terrier crossbreed Ashley has been taken in by the rescue centreDumped on roadsides or abandoned in cardboard boxes, these puppies have one thing in common – they are looking for new homes.Staff at one rescue centre have taken in a record 16 puppies in only five days as Christmas presents lose their novelty and breeders struggle to sell their litters. The arrivals include Sam, a 12-week-old springer spaniel who is being nursed back to health after being found suffering from the painful skin condition mange, and Sky, a ten-week-old Staffordshire bull terrier who came in with a broken leg and had been...

'Who are you calling Big Ears?': Rabbit Grand National attracts the fluffy best of Britain's bunnies

By Kerry McqueeneyBig ears: An English lop-eared rabbit sits patently on the judging table at the eventGroomed and poised for victory, when it comes to showjumping, these bunnies certainly know how to hop to it.These are the furry competitors of the Rabbit Grand National, which was staged in Harrogate, Yorkshire.The popular showjumping rabbit race is part of the larger Burgess Premier Small Animal Show, which attracted more than 3,000 contenders.Measuring up: Judges ensure another competitor's dimensions meet the strict criteria as other bunnies wait their turnEstablished in 1921, the event is the longest-running and biggest small animal show...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ozzy, the collie who never wobbles! The MoS tracks down the four-legged superstar whose astonishing balancing tricks took YouTube by storm

By Emily HillNick Johnson and his dog Ossy have taken the internet by storm It's the latest video to become a YouTube sensation. Showing a truly astonishing sense of balance, a dog perches on a thin metal chain before standing up on his hind legs.While other dogs are more content to chase cats or gnaw old bones, this canine is capable of incredible acrobatic feats.Filmed by an amazed passer-by on his mobile phone, the footage was then uploaded to YouTube where it attracted more than 80,000 hits in just one day.Scroll down for videoIt has proved so popular since being posted two weeks ago that it was highlighted by ITV chat show host Jonathan...

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