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Saturday, April 30, 2011

A couple of Bengal tigers presented on April 29, 2011 at the zoo of Rio de Janeiro

A tourist takes a snapshot of a couple of Bengal tigers presented on April 29, 2011 at the zoo of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The tigers were named Prince William and princess Kate after Prince William and Kate Middleton' s royal wedding in London on Friday. A couple of Bengal tigers presented on April 29, 2011 at the zoo of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, lie in their cage. The tigers were named Prince William and princess Kate after Prince William and Kate Middleton' s royal wedding in London on Friday. A female Bengal tiger in her cage at the zoo of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on April 29, 2011.A female Bengal tiger in her cage at the zoo of Rio de Janeiro,...

Thugly duckling: Tiny chick chases after terrified Jack Russell

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Ducking out: The Jack Russell tries to get away as the tiny bird gives chase When a tiny bundle of feathers encountered a dog it quickly became clear which one was a chicken.A brave little duckling is seen chasing after a Jack Russell - who tries to make a dash with his tail between his legs - in a classic case of David and Goliath.Despite the loud barks of the nervous dog, the duckling kept on running at its playmate, trying to have some fun. All bark, no bite: Despite the loud yelps of the dog, the duckling keeps on waddling towards its playmate The Jack Russell is so keen to get away that at one point he is seen falling...

The one guest who DIDN'T want to be there: Runaway horse throws its soldier and makes a swift exit

By EMILY ANDREWS Runaway: The horse threw its rider before leaving the cavalry procession and bolting up Whitehall It wouldn’t be a proper wedding if there wasn’t at least one slip-up.But pity the poor cavalry guardsman who fell from his horse when it spooked at the cheering crowds.He desperately tried to cling on, but was thrown onto the tarmac as the carriage procession left Westminster Abbey and turned from Parliament Square onto Whitehall. Homing sense: The riderless creature careers alongside the procession - but eventually found its way home to the stables at Horse Guards' Barracks At first he managed to grab onto the reins and keep his...

An Asian elephant calf, born at the Oklahoma City Zoo

An Asian elephant calf, born at the Oklahoma City Zoo April 15, 2011, is pictured with her mother, Asha, right, a 16-year old Asian elephant, and her aunt, Chandra, left, a 14-year old Asian Elephant, at the zoo in Oklahoma City, Thursday, April 28, 2011. An Asian elephant calf, born at the Oklahoma City Zoo April 15, 2011, is pictured with her mother, Asha, a 16-year old Asian elephant, in Oklahoma City, Thursday, April 28, 2011. An Asian elephant calf, born at the Oklahoma City Zoo April 15, 2011, is pictured with her mother, Asha, a 16-year old Asian elephant, in Oklahoma City, Thursday, April 28, 2011An Asian elephant calf, born at the Oklahoma...

It's a dog's wife: Why female pooches are 'more intelligent' than males

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Eye on the ball: Using an experiment involving tennis balls scientists have discovered differences in the brains of female and male dogs If your female dog can sit, lie down and even bring your slippers then it may not just be well trained.It could actually be all in her brain.A study has found that female canine brains are different from that of their male counterparts. And in at least once task the females have the edge. No idea: Detailed analysis of the study found that male dogs did not noticed anything odd at all about the balls - yet the females did Scientists studied a range of common household dogs of both sexes...

Friday, April 29, 2011

William will marry his fiancee Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey tomorrow.

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 28: Policemen leading sniffer dogs patrol next to Westminster Abbey the day before Prince William and Kate Middleton are scheduled to marry there on April 28, 2011 in London, England. Millions of people the world over are expected to watch live broadcasts of the Royal Wedding on television in what is becoming the most talked about event of the year.LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 28: Fans of the royal family take photographs on the Mall as they wait for a sight of the Prince William and Catherine Middleton returning to Buckingham Palace following tomorrow's marriage ceremony in Westminster Abbey on April 28, 2011 in London, England....

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Now THAT'S a bunny hop: Rabbit dressage set to take the world by storm

By Daily Mail ReporterBuggin' out: Snoopy the show jumping rabbit can jump around 60cm highThat rabbits like to hop is hardly a secret. But now European rabbit enthusiasts have harnessed their bunnies' natural talents to create a new spectator sport... rabbit showjumping.Invented in Sweden in the early Eighties, Kaninhop involves bunnies bouncing their way around courses consisting of several small jumps of varying height and length.Snoopy, a black-and-white bunny from the German city of Jena, is the star of the local Kaninhop club - and he makes spends his days leaping over all manner of barricades, jumps and rails.'Snoopy can jump 60 centimeters...

Ape close and personal: Stunning images which capture primates at their most unguarded

By Daily Mail ReporterTransfixed by the lens: Pangi, left, is a two-year-old bonobo who was born in Frankfurt Zoo. Right, other members of her family preen each otherStaring into the camera, they appear to be baring their soul. These intimate portraits of apes at Frankfurt Zoo reveal a side of the animals rarely seen. German photographer Volker Gutgesell has spent the past four years visiting the zoo's primate enclosure to capture the candid images. Intimate portrait: Gorilla Rebecca, 27, has had eight babies and is also helping look after her sister Quemba to bring up her childrenThe 58-year-old says the years spent studying the bonobos, orangutans...

Pets should be renamed 'companions', claim animal rights academics (and rats are just 'free living')

By Daily Mail Reporter'Free ranging animal': Rats should not be called vermin because the term is derogatory, according to the editors of the Journal of Animal EthicsAnimals should not be described as 'vermin', 'pests' or even 'pets', animal ethicists have decided. Academics say that traditional words used to characterise animals like 'beasts' and 'critters' are derogatory and should be replaced.They say words like 'pests' and 'vermin' should be dropped altogether, and 'pets' replaced by 'companion animals'. 'Wild animals' should be termed 'free living or free ranging animals' they argue, because 'wildness' is too close to 'uncivilised'.The call...

A month-old ring tailed lemur, left, receives a lick from it's one-year-old

A month-old ring tailed lemur, left, receives a lick from it's one-year-old sister "Safina," right, in an exhibit at the Franklin Park Zoo, in Boston, Wednesday, April 27, 2011. A month-old baby lemur, right, rides on her seven-year-old mother's back in an exhibit at the Franklin Park Zoo, in Boston, Wednesday, April 27, 2011. Nebbie, a seven-year-old ring tailed lemur, left, carries her month-old baby on her back in an exhibit at the Franklin Park Zoo, in Boston, Wednesday, April 27, 2011. Nebbie gave birth to twins on March 31, 2011, but the baby primates have yet to receive names or have their sex determined. Lemurs, endemic to Madagascar,...

Swim and bear it: It's all too much for tired grizzly as he rests beside a stream after hard day catching salmon under water

By MICHAEL HANLON It's all too much for tired grizzly as he rests beside a stream after hard day catching salmon under water Smarter than the average bear: This one checks out a waterproof cameraThey are some of the most powerful carnivores on Earth, weighing up to half a ton each, and, if riled, they won’t think twice about attacking humans.So getting up close and personal with the grizzly and brown bears of Alaska shows a degree of courage bordering on lunacy. Without this risk-taking, Paul Sounders, a 50-year-old wildlife photographer from Seattle, would never have captured these exquisite images.Some of the pictures were taken with the magnificient...

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